1 |
错误信息:[Error] **** Dbupdate.sqlUpdateSubs Function:begin ? := trt_subs_1_i_update_target (?, ?, ?, ?, ?); end;, Execute GD:1li run finished with error, errcode:-4030,errmsg:ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 16408 bytes (koh-kghu call ,pmucalm coll),errlog:GD_1li TableA_S.(SCS or ADS) Update TableP_S, circle= 2. |
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declare type subs_mobile_no_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.subs_mobile_no%type index by pls_integer; type icp_id_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.icp_id%type index by pls_integer; type icp_code_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.icp_code%type index by pls_integer; type channel_id_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.channel_id%type index by pls_integer; type serv_id_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.serv_id%type index by pls_integer; type brand_id_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.brand_id%type index by pls_integer; type fee_mobile_no_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.fee_mobile_no%type index by pls_integer; type action_id_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.action_id%type index by pls_integer; type crt_his_date_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.crt_his_date%type index by pls_integer; type city_id_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.city_id%type index by pls_integer; type attr_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.attr%type index by pls_integer; type srh_channel_id_arr is table of trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S.srh_channel_id%type index by pls_integer; arr_subs_mobile_no subs_mobile_no_arr; arr_icp_id icp_id_arr; arr_icp_code icp_code_arr; arr_channel_id channel_id_arr; arr_serv_id serv_id_arr; arr_brand_id brand_id_arr; arr_fee_mobile_no fee_mobile_no_arr; arr_action_id action_id_arr; arr_crt_his_date crt_his_date_arr; arr_city_id city_id_arr; arr_attr attr_arr; arr_srh_channel_id srh_channel_id_arr; begin select subs_mobile_no, icp_id, icp_code, channel_id, serv_id, brand_id, fee_mobile_no, decode(action_id, 'SCS', 'C', 'ADS', 'D') action_id, crt_his_date, city_id, attr, srh_channel_id bulk collect into arr_subs_mobile_no, arr_icp_id, arr_icp_code, arr_channel_id, arr_serv_id, arr_brand_id, arr_fee_mobile_no, arr_action_id, arr_crt_his_date, arr_city_id, arr_attr, arr_srh_channel_id from trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S where action_id = 'SCS' or action_id = 'ADS'; if arr_subs_mobile_no.last > 0 then arr_srh_channel_id srh_channel_id_arr; begin select subs_mobile_no, icp_id, icp_code, channel_id, serv_id, brand_id, fee_mobile_no, decode(action_id, 'SCS', 'C', 'ADS', 'D') action_id, crt_his_date, city_id, attr, srh_channel_id bulk collect into arr_subs_mobile_no, arr_icp_id, arr_icp_code, arr_channel_id, arr_serv_id, arr_brand_id, arr_fee_mobile_no, arr_action_id, arr_crt_his_date, arr_city_id, arr_attr, arr_srh_channel_id from trt_subs_GD_1li_wap_S where action_id = 'SCS' or action_id = 'ADS'; if arr_subs_mobile_no.last > 0 then forall i in arr_subs_mobile_no.first .. arr_subs_mobile_no.last update f_wap_subs_GD_p_s c set c.city_id = arr_city_id(i), c.icp_id = arr_icp_id(i), c.icp_code = arr_icp_code(i), c.subs_cancel_channel_id = arr_channel_id(i), c.brand_id = arr_brand_id(i), c.subs_status_id = arr_action_id(i), c.fee_mobile_no = arr_fee_mobile_no(i), c.usubs_date = arr_crt_his_date(i), c.usubs_day = to_char(arr_crt_his_date(i), 'YYYYMMDD'), c.idx_day = to_char(arr_crt_his_date(i), 'YYYYMMDD'), c.is_subs_valid = 0, c.flow_time = sysdate, c.srh_channel_id = arr_srh_channel_id(i) where subs_mobile_no = arr_subs_mobile_no(i) and serv_id = arr_serv_id(i) and is_subs_valid = 1; end if; end; |
在metalink上发现类似的有个bug:Bug 4994859: ORA-04030 WHILE EXECUTING A PROCEDURE CONTAINING BULK COLLECT。于是打算分2步走:
1、向开发建议修改程序,不使用BULK COLLECT(上面sql的85行处)
2、由于bug是在Sun Solaris SPARC (64-bit)上的9207版本,我们的是HP UX的9208版本,可能不是这个bug。所以向oracle开SR进行确认。
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Basically, an ORA-4030 indicates a limit has been reached with respect to process private memory allocation. An ORA-4030 error is an error in the PGA; Memory limitation related to an Oracle rdbms server process is reached. Typical causes: * OS Memory limit reached such as physical memory and/or swap/virtual paging * OS limits reached such as kernel or user shell limits that limit overall, user level or process level memory usage * OS limit on PGA memory size due to SGA attach address <<Note 262540.1>> Relocate SGABEG on 64-bit Oracle * Oracle internal limit example Bug 3130972 * Application design causing limits to be reached * Bug – space leaks, heap leaks |
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Comments -------- Ulimit ===== time(seconds) unlimited file(blocks) unlimited data(kbytes) 2097152 <---- stack(kbytes) 131072 memory(kbytes) unlimited coredump(blocks) 4194303 nofiles(descriptors) 4096 |
从这里我们看到ulimit -d参数被限制了,大小为2G,我们通过修改2个内核参数从而达到修改这个参数的目的:
1、将maxdsiz从2147483648 (2G) 调整到4187593114(4G)
2、将maxdsiz_64bit从2147483648 (2G)调整6442450944 (6G).
ulimit -d自动的变成:
1 |
data(kbytes) 4063168 |
最好将程序中的 “批量绑定” 修改为游标方式。
曾经遇到类似问题, 将PGA设置非常大, ulimits改为无限大,都不能解决问题, 最后让项目组把代码改成游标,问题终于解决。