客户有个11g的active dataguard库,mrp进程停了,看alertlog,可以看到有关ora-7445[kdxlin]的报错:
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cat alert*.log .... Exception [type:SIGSEOV,Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0xC] |PC:0x96504C7,kdxlin()+4153][flags: 0x0,count:1] Errors in le /aabb/app/oracle/rdbms/diag/rdbms/rmydbsid/mydbsid/trace/partsm_pr18_21343.trc (incident=70353): ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump (kdxlin()+4153) [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0xC] |PC:0x96504C7][Address not mapped to object][] Incident details in: /aabb/app/oracle/rdbms/diag/rdbms/rmydbsid/mydbsid/incident/incdir_70353/mydbsid_pr18_21343_i70353.trc Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0xC][PC:0x96504C7,kdxlin()+4153][flags:0XO,count:1] Incidenl 70353 created, dump file/aabb/app/oracle/rdbms/diag/rdbms/rmydbsid/mydbsid/incident/incdir_70353/mydbsid_pr18_21343_i70353.trc ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump (kdxlin()+4153) [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0xC] |PC:0x96504C7][Address not mapped to object][] ... |
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cat /aabb/app/oracle/rdbms/diag/rdbms/rmydbsid/mydbsid/incident/incdir_70353/mydbsid_pr18_21343_i70353.trc ... Error 607 in redo applicalion callback Dump of change vector Typ:2 CLS:1 APN:5 DBA0x2598d645 OBJ:3S3792 SCN:0x0960.99d2655e SEQ:1 OP:10.2 ENC:0 RBL:0 index redo(kdxlin):insert leaf row KTB Redo op:0x01 ver:0x01 compat bit:4(post-11) padding:1 op:F xid:0x0001.01a.010d8f34 uba:0x00dc8e3.6bf5.20 REDO: SINGLE/NONKEY/-- itl:3, sno:255, row size 23 insert key:(14):05 c4 02 4e 31 4f 07 78 74 0b 09 11 27 29 nonkey (length: 5): fb: --H-FL-- lb:0x0 cc:1 (2).01 80 Block after image is corrupt: buffer tsn: 5 rdba:0x2598d645(1024/630773317) scn:0x960.99d10d33 seq:0x01 flg:0x04 tail:0x0d330601 frmt:0x02 chkval:0xa1ae type:0x06=trans data Hex dump of currupt header 3=CHKVAL ... |
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