需要监控数据库的序列,在达到最大值前,进行告警。特别是mysql,往往因为字段的定义和auto incremental的定义不同,导致各自的上限不同。
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SELECT x.*, CASE WHEN increment_by<0 THEN round(last_number/min_value*100,4) WHEN increment_by>0 THEN round(last_number/max_value*100,4) ELSE 0 END AS percent_usage from DBA_SEQUENCES x WHERE cycle_flag='N' ORDER BY percent_usage DESC; |
SQL Server:
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SELECT max( CASE WHEN increment_by<0 THEN round(last_number/min_value*100,4) WHEN increment_by>0 THEN round(last_number/max_value*100,4) ELSE 0 END ) AS percent_usage from DBA_SEQUENCES x WHERE cycle_flag='N' ORDER BY percent_usage DESC; |
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--(1)初始化部署: --(1.1)数据库内部署表和函数(注,如果一个pg实例中有多个数据库需要监控,需要部署到多个库): drop table oracleblog_pg_sequence; create table oracleblog_pg_sequence ( record_time timestamp with time zone, sequence_name TEXT , last_value bigint , start_value bigint , increment_by bigint , max_value bigint , min_value bigint , cache_value bigint , log_cnt bigint , is_cycled boolean, is_called boolean, sequence_schema TEXT, table_name text, column_name TEXT, data_type text, datatype_maxval bigint, datatype_minval bigint, cap_value bigint ); DROP function oracleblog_get_seqval(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION oracleblog_get_seqval() RETURNS void AS $sequence_values$ DECLARE nsp_name TEXT; seq_name TEXT; BEGIN EXECUTE 'truncate table oracleblog_pg_sequence'; FOR nsp_name, seq_name IN SELECT nspname::text, relname::text FROM pg_class JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid WHERE relkind='S' LOOP EXECUTE 'INSERT into oracleblog_pg_sequence(sequence_name,last_value,start_value,increment_by,max_value,min_value,cache_value,log_cnt,is_cycled,is_called,sequence_schema) SELECT x.*,' || '''' || nsp_name || '''' ||' from ' || nsp_name ||'.' ||seq_name ||' x'; END LOOP; update oracleblog_pg_sequence a set table_name=(select table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS b where SPLIT_PART(COLUMN_DEFAULT, '''', 2) = SEQUENCE_NAME and sequence_schema=table_schema), column_name=(select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS b where SPLIT_PART(COLUMN_DEFAULT, '''', 2) = SEQUENCE_NAME and sequence_schema=table_schema), data_type=(select data_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS b where SPLIT_PART(COLUMN_DEFAULT, '''', 2) = SEQUENCE_NAME and sequence_schema=table_schema), datatype_maxval=(select CASE lower(DATA_TYPE) when 'smallint' then 32767 when 'integer' then 2147483647 when 'serial' then 2147483647 when 'bigint' then 9223372036854775807 when 'bigserial' then 9223372036854775807 else null end from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS b where SPLIT_PART(COLUMN_DEFAULT, '''', 2) = SEQUENCE_NAME and sequence_schema=table_schema), datatype_minval=(select CASE lower(DATA_TYPE) when 'smallint' then -32767 when 'integer' then -2147483647 when 'serial' then 1 when 'bigint' then -9223372036854775807 when 'bigserial' then 1 else null end from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS b where SPLIT_PART(COLUMN_DEFAULT, '''', 2) = SEQUENCE_NAME and sequence_schema=table_schema); update oracleblog_pg_sequence set cap_value=( case when INCREMENT_BY < 0 then (case when min_value>=datatype_minval then min_value when min_value<=datatype_minval then datatype_minval end) when INCREMENT_BY > 0 then (case when max_value>=datatype_maxval then datatype_maxval when max_value<=datatype_maxval then max_value end) end), record_time=now() ; END; $sequence_values$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; --(1.2)在没有安装pgAgent的环境下,用crontab实现定时刷新(注,如果一个pg实例中有多个数据库需要监控,需要部署多个crontab,每个crontab的-d参数后跟不同的库): cat /data001/PRD/postgres/9.6.2/home/postgres/crontab_script/fresh_oracleblog_pg_sequence.sh #!/bin/bash /data/PRD/postgres/base/9.6.2/bin/psql -d dbinfo -c "select oracleblog_get_seqval()" chmod +x /data001/PRD/postgres/9.6.2/home/postgres/crontab_script/fresh_oracleblog_pg_sequence.sh crontab -l 01 * * * * /bin/bash /data001/PRD/postgres/9.6.2/home/postgres/crontab_script/fresh_oracleblog_pg_sequence.sh --(2)给zabbix用户授权: grant select on oracleblog_pg_sequence to zabbix; --(3)查询结果: --(3.1)用于监控语句: select max(round((1-(cap_value-last_value)::numeric/(cap_value-start_value)::numeric)*100,4)) as max_usage_percent from oracleblog_pg_sequence where is_cycled='f'; --(3.2)平时运维检查: select SEQUENCE_NAME, last_value, start_value, increment_by, cap_value, round((1-(cap_value-last_value)::numeric/(cap_value-start_value)::numeric)*100,4) as usage_percent from oracleblog_pg_sequence where is_cycled='f' order by usage_percent desc; |
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-- For pg 9.5, pg 9.6, which does NOT has view pg_sequences -- Use (1 - (cap_value - last_value)/(cap_value - start_value)), in case increase_by is negative number, like "CREATE SEQUENCE mysequence INCREMENT -1 MAXVALUE 100 START 10" -- Minimum serial and bigserial should be 1, They can not be negative number. -- do language plpgsql $$ declare max_seq_used numeric:= 0; bigger_seq_used numeric:= 0; nsp name; rel name; val numeric; begin for nsp,rel in select nspname,relname from pg_class t2 , pg_namespace t3 where t2.relnamespace=t3.oid and t2.relkind='S' loop execute format($_$with tmp_tab2 as (with tmp_tab1 as (select sequence_schema, sequence_name, a.increment ::numeric as INCREMENT_BY, minimum_value ::numeric as min_value, maximum_value ::numeric as max_value, b.data_type, CASE lower(b.DATA_TYPE) when 'smallint' then 32767 when 'integer' then 2147483647 when 'serial' then 2147483647 when 'bigint' then 9223372036854775807 when 'bigserial' then 9223372036854775807 else null end as datatype_maxval, CASE lower(b.DATA_TYPE) when 'smallint' then -32767 when 'integer' then -2147483647 when 'serial' then 1 when 'bigint' then -9223372036854775807 when 'bigserial' then 1 else null end as datatype_minval from information_schema.sequences a, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS b where SPLIT_PART(b.COLUMN_DEFAULT, '''', 2) = a.sequence_name and table_schema = a.sequence_schema) select sequence_schema, sequence_name, INCREMENT_BY, min_value, max_value, data_type, case when INCREMENT_BY < 0 then (case when min_value >= datatype_minval then min_value when min_value <= datatype_minval then datatype_minval end) when INCREMENT_BY > 0 then (case when max_value >= datatype_maxval then datatype_maxval when max_value <= datatype_maxval then max_value end) end as cap_value from tmp_tab1), tmp_tab3 as (select * from %I.%I) select round((1 - (cap_value - last_value) ::numeric / (cap_value - start_value) ::numeric) * 100, 16) as seq_usage_percent from tmp_tab2 x, tmp_tab3 y where x.sequence_name = y.sequence_name$_$,nsp, rel) into val; raise notice 'Sequence %.% usage percent is: %',nsp,rel,val; if (val>bigger_seq_used) then bigger_seq_used :=val; end if; --raise notice 'Right now thw biggest sequence usage percent is : %',bigger_seq_used; end loop; max_seq_used:=bigger_seq_used; raise notice 'Max sequence usage percent is : %',max_seq_used; end; $$; -- For pg 10 and pg 10+, which has the view pg_sequences -- Use (1 - (cap_value - last_value)/(cap_value - start_value)), in case increase_by is negative number, like "CREATE SEQUENCE mysequence INCREMENT -1 MAXVALUE 100 START 10" -- Minimum serial and bigserial should be 1, They can not be negative number. -- do language plpgsql $$ declare max_seq_used numeric:= 0; bigger_seq_used numeric:= 0; nsp name; rel name; val numeric; begin for nsp,rel in select nspname,relname from pg_class t2 , pg_namespace t3 where t2.relnamespace=t3.oid and t2.relkind='S' loop execute format($_$with tmp_tab2 as (with tmp_tab1 as (select sequence_schema, sequence_name, a.increment ::numeric as INCREMENT_BY, minimum_value ::numeric as min_value, maximum_value ::numeric as max_value, b.data_type, CASE lower(b.DATA_TYPE) when 'smallint' then 32767 when 'integer' then 2147483647 when 'serial' then 2147483647 when 'bigint' then 9223372036854775807 when 'bigserial' then 9223372036854775807 else null end as datatype_maxval, CASE lower(b.DATA_TYPE) when 'smallint' then -32767 when 'integer' then -2147483647 when 'serial' then 1 when 'bigint' then -9223372036854775807 when 'bigserial' then 1 else null end as datatype_minval from information_schema.sequences a, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS b where SPLIT_PART(b.COLUMN_DEFAULT, '''', 2) = a.sequence_name and table_schema = a.sequence_schema) select sequence_schema, sequence_name, INCREMENT_BY, min_value, max_value, data_type, case when INCREMENT_BY < 0 then (case when min_value >= datatype_minval then min_value when min_value <= datatype_minval then datatype_minval end) when INCREMENT_BY > 0 then (case when max_value >= datatype_maxval then datatype_maxval when max_value <= datatype_maxval then max_value end) end as cap_value from tmp_tab1), tmp_tab3 as (select * from pg_sequences where schemaname = '%I' and sequencename = '%I') select round((1 - (cap_value - last_value) ::numeric / (cap_value - start_value) ::numeric) * 100, 16) as seq_usage_percent from tmp_tab2 x, tmp_tab3 y where x.sequence_name = y.sequencename$_$,nsp, rel) into val; raise notice 'Sequence %.% usage percent is: %',nsp,rel,val; if (val>bigger_seq_used) then bigger_seq_used :=val; end if; --raise notice 'Right now thw biggest sequence usage percent is : %',bigger_seq_used; end loop; max_seq_used:=bigger_seq_used; raise notice 'Max sequence usage percent is : %',max_seq_used; end; $$; |
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CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `proc_awr_getauto_increment_status`() BEGIN TRUNCATE TABLE myawr.auto_increment_status; INSERT INTO myawr.auto_increment_status (clock, table_schema, table_name,auto_increment_increment,auto_increment_offset,auto_increment_max,auto_increment_used) SELECT now() AS clock, b.table_schema, b.table_name ,(select VARIABLE_VALUE from performance_schema.global_variables where VARIABLE_NAME = 'auto_increment_increment') as auto_increment_increment ,(select VARIABLE_VALUE from performance_schema.global_variables where VARIABLE_NAME = 'auto_increment_offset') as auto_increment_offset , CASE WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'bigint%' THEN 9223372036854775808 WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'int%' THEN 2147483647 WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'int% unsigned' THEN 4294967295 WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'mediumint%' THEN 8388607 WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'mediumint% unsigned' THEN 16777215 WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'smallint%' THEN 32767 WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'smallint% unsigned' THEN 65535 WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'tinyint%' THEN 127 WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'tinyint% unsigned' THEN 255 ELSE 'other' END AS auto_increment_max , CASE WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'bigint%' THEN format(b.auto_increment / 9223372036854775808 * 100, 0) WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'int%' THEN format(b.auto_increment / 2147483647 * 100, 0) WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'int% unsigned' THEN format(b.auto_increment / 4294967295 * 100, 0) WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'mediumint%' THEN format(b.auto_increment / 8388607 * 100, 0) WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'mediumint% unsigned' THEN format(b.auto_increment / 16777215 * 100, 0) WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'smallint%' THEN format(b.auto_increment / 32767 * 100, 0) WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'smallint% unsigned' THEN format(b.auto_increment / 65535 * 100, 0) WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'tinyint%' THEN format(b.auto_increment / 127 * 100, 0) WHEN lower(COLUMN_TYPE) LIKE 'tinyint% unsigned' THEN format(b.auto_increment / 255 * 100, 0) ELSE '100' END AS auto_increment_used FROM information_schema.columns a JOIN information_schema.tables b ON a.table_name = b.table_name AND a.table_schema = b.table_schema WHERE EXTRA = 'auto_increment' ORDER BY auto_increment_used + 0 DESC LIMIT 10; CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` EVENT `event_awr_getauto_increment_status` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 HOUR STARTS '2019-04-17 11:45:34' ON COMPLETION PRESERVE ENABLE DO call myawr.proc_awr_getauto_increment_status() |